Zanthorrea Nursery Perth
Zanthorrea was established in 1975. Ross has been involved in the business and horticulture since 2002. As it is a family business the knowledge has been passed down with Jackie and Alec (Mum and Dad) still active working at Zanthorrea in a part time role. Our team have been selected for the interpersonal skills and interest in horticulture, many with over 10 years at Zanthorrea.

Zanthorrea Nursery Perth
The original nursery in Gooseberry Hill had spectacular Grasstrees (Xanthorrhoea preissii) growing naturally in the front garden. To make the name easy to spell, just as people hear it we changed it to Zanthorrea. The botanists don’t like the spelling, but it does make us easier to find in the phone book!
Australia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world with some amazing plants. Many of these plants are more than just attractive garden specimens with edible and medicinal properties. We owe much of our knowledge of these plants and their uses to the traditional owners of this land.

“We wish to acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation – traditional custodians of this land, and their Elders past, present and future.”